This is an exciting time for the OHS Body of Knowledge as we embark on a tranche of new chapters. The OHS Body of Knowledge has three global concepts: work, health and safety. Sidney Dekker wrote a new chapter on Safety as a Global Concept last year. Our views on Health as a concept have […]
The OHS BoK continues our program of review and updating of existing chapters with six chapters under active review: 7 The Human as a biological system, 18 Biological hazards, 19 Psychosocial hazards, 21 Bullying, aggression and violence, 24 Ionising radiation and 28 Mechanical plant. In association with HFESA we are also revising 16 Biomechanical hazards […]
Documentation and excessive rules are seen to create an illusion of safety while possibly increasing risk and confusion. However, rules and procedures are important risk control strategies especially in high risk environments. The role of rules and procedures has been the subject of recent research and a topic of discussion among OHS professionals. This all […]