The OHS BoK continues our program of review and updating of existing chapters with six chapters under active review: 7 The Human as a biological system, 18 Biological hazards, 19 Psychosocial hazards, 21 Bullying, aggression and violence, 24 Ionising radiation and 28 Mechanical plant. In association with HFESA we are also revising 16 Biomechanical hazards to be more encompassing and retitled as Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders.

Several new chapters are in development. We are undertaking a major project which will result in a new chapter on Investigations. This project is being funded by Monaco Hickey as part of an Enforceable Undertaking. The chapter is being written by Dr Geoff Dell and Dr Yvonne Toft previously of CQUniversity where they were responsible for the Accident Forensics programs.
