Two new chapters have been completed in the last 3 months.
12.2 OHS management systems
This chapter, written by Nektarios Karanikas of Queensland University of Technology, proposes a definition of OHSMS, briefly considers the historical and legislative contexts, and presents a hierarchal and inter-related structure for OHSMS elements. It also reviews the literature to comment on the effectiveness OHSMSs. The chapter includes guidance on the practical application of OHSMS which is informed by a discussion forum with OHS professionals. Read the chapter at
Nektarios will be conducting a webinar on then 15th February to launch the chapter. Register at
16 Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders
The other new chapter completed in the last three months is the new chapter on Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders. Written by David Trembearth and Joanne Crawford and more than 12 months in development, the chapter aims to enable generalist OHS professionals to take a holistic, participative and evidenced-based approach to WMSD prevention. The chapter presents information about the nature, causation and management of WMSDs; it includes a multifactorial systems model to assist in the assessment of physical and psychosocial WMSD risks and design of risk controls, and a hierarchy of control for WMSD interventions. Read the chapter at
The AIHS is in discussions to build on the chapter content by developing online and face-to-face training on WMSDs. Stay tuned!